Saturday 20 February 2021

Tentative Schedule for the Upcoming JU Admission Tests is 6-18 June & 20 June, 2021

At a recent meeting of the University Council, the authorities of the public universities and medical have decided the tentative schedule for the admission tests of the session 2020-21.

According to their decision the tentative schedule for the upcoming Jahangirnagar University admission tests is 6-18 June & 20 June, 2021.

For checking BBA admission test Question Pattern of IBA - Jahangirnagar University, click here.

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Saturday 11 February 2017

আপনি জানেন কি??? (Crazy Fact About Land Area Of JU)

আপনি জানেন কি??? পৃথিবীর দুই দুইটি দেশ জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ভেতর ঢুকে যাবে এবং এরপরও প্রায় ৮৯ একর জায়গা বাকি থাকবে???!😁😉

না, চাপাবাজি নয়, সত্যি বলছি।😀 পৃথিবীর ক্ষুদ্রতম দেশ ভ্যাটিকেন সিটির আয়তন মাত্র ১০৯ একর (প্রায় ০.৪৪ বর্গকিলোমিটার)। আর দ্বিতীয় ক্ষুদ্রতম দেশ মোনাকোর আয়তন মাত্র ৪৯৯ একর (প্রায় ২.০২ বর্গকিলোমিটার)।😀 এদিকে শুধু  বাংলাদেশের জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়েরই আয়তন ৬৯৭ একর (প্রায় ২.৮ বর্গকিলোমিটার)!😁
৬৯৭-(১০৯+৪৯৯) = ৮৯ 😉
অর্থাৎ ভ্যাটিকেন সিটি ও মোনাকো দেশ দুটি জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে তো ঢুকবেই, উপরন্তু আরও প্রায় ৮৯ একর জায়গা (প্রায় ০.৩৪ বর্গকিলোমিটার) বাকি থাকবে!!!😀😎😎😎



IBA - Jahangirnagar University Admission Help

Sunday 5 February 2017

How to do well in General Knowledge of IBA-JU admission test

   "Do you know, in IBA-JU admission test (written), 10 marks which means 13% marks is from General Knowledge???...."😎
At this point, some people may exclaim with joy as they are good in GK and some will start shivering thinking about a nightmare as they have little skill in this area.😀😀😀

If you are in the second group, tie your seat-belt. Because this blog can upgrade your GK to next level, if you can follow the tips.😉

But if you are in first group, don't be so confident before reading to the end. Because in IBA-JU admission test, GK Part includes Business Related Questions which are not likely to come in normal GK tests!😈

At first, I will tell you some tips for doing well in GK.😁

1. Develop interest : Hey, do you enjoy planting a fight between your friends??? Do you like the dramas where characters fight each other, do plotting and conspiracy??? Then watch the world, you may find politics interesting!!!😈 Watch the news of cold war between White House (Markin Presidential Residence) & Kremlin (Russian Presidential Residence)!!!! Give it a try!!! You may find India-Pakistan clash interesting too...... Wait!!!! I'M JUST JOKING!!!😂😁😎  I neither support Political or International Clashes nor like those. I'm just trying to raise your interest in current affairs or history. Don't you find stories interesting??? Come on, most of the people like stories. Take history as stories. Develope your interest in Current Affairs and History, this will definitely boost up your GK skill. And remember one thing, if you read something interesting, it is more likely that you may memorize it more easily.

2. Build your base first : Some says, read current affairs, watch news, read newspaper to do well in GK tests.Yes, those will help you, but I think those are not for the beginners. At first you need a base. Then you can build castle.
Read a General Knowledge book first. That will be your base. Because you may find recent things in news, but it will not cover majority of GK questions. You need to know history, you need to know the names of former presidents, historical characters, you need to know highest, longest, smallest, largest, first, last, only etc. etc. So read a good information-packed GK book first.

3. Read Current Affairs Based Magazines: I think reading a current affairs based magazine every month is more useful and less time-consuming than listening to news or reading newspapers. If you do so, you have the base (GK book knowledge) and also the advanced part (Knowledge of Current Affairs).

4. Can't Remember What You Have Read??? Play GK games, compete with your GK-interested friends. Ask them what you read, try to answer their question. It's a powerful trick to remember GK. 

5. Try to take part in GK competitions

Now, it's time for Business Related GK questions which are important for IBA-JU admission test. 😁

Science & Arts group students, don't panic. You won't feel any problem although you are not a commerce-background student. These questions are actually GK. 
1. Which is the first foreign commercial bank of Bangladesh?
2. Which is the largest bank of Bangladesh?
3. Who is the president of IMF?
4. 'Parachute Coconut Oil' is a product of which company?
5. Yahoo was sold to which company?

Some are common sense questions. 
1. Communication with customers is under which department of a company?
(answer: marketing)

Some you have read in the school in Economics part of  'Social Science' or 'Bangladesh & Global Studies' subject. 
1. How many kinds of Banks are there?

So don't afraid. Read GK books, current affairs based magazines and read a Jahangirnagar University G Unit Special Guide for Business Related GKs. 

Thanks for reading this post with perseverance.You can stay tune with this blog for more tips, information and suggestions for IBA-JU admission test. Like the facebook page IBA - Jahangirnagar University Admission Help for getting notified about new posts.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Question Pattern Of BBA admission test of IBA-JU

Marks Distribution

Total 75 MCQs


 Marks for each correct answer: 1.00

Marks deducted for each wrong answer: 0.20

Total Written Exam Marks : 75.00


Viva : 5.00


SSC-HSC points : 20.00




(MALE: 25, FEMALE: 25) 

Every year admission test is taken. (G unit) 

10,000+ applicants seat for the exam
500 are called for viva
50 gets admitted. 


* This post was updated on 2 April, 2021.

History Of IBA-JU

Institute of Business Administration - Jahangirnagar University (IBA-JU) started as Jahangirnagar University's Department of Business Administration (DBA) in 1991. This institute is the first in Bangladesh to offer undergraduate degree in Business. It offers a four-year course of study leading to a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree, and an eighteen-month post-graduate Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.In May 2012, it started a Weekend MBA programme for working professionals.At present the institute admits 50 students each year to its undergraduate programme. IBA-JU offers Finance, Marketing, and HRM as majors for their students.Students need to choose among these to do their major in BBA or MBA degree persuasion. IBA-JU has seven strong student organizations such as IBA-JU Business Club, IBA-JU Social Welfare Club, IBA-JU Photography Club, IBA-JU Sports Club, IBA-JU Debating Club etc. All these students organizations are arranging several events, competitions, and social welfare programs throughout the year.

Friday 3 February 2017

History of Jahangirnagar University

          Jahangirnagar University is a public university in Bangladesh situated at Savar in Dhaka. It is the only fully residential university in Bangladesh.

        Jahangirnagar University was formally launched on 12 January 1970 under the Jahangirnagar Muslim University Ordinance, 1970 and this day is observed as University Day. Initially, it was named Jahangirnagar Muslim University, and the plan was to operate the university like Aligarh Muslim University.Its first vice-chancellor, Mafiz Uddin Ahmad (Ph.D in chemistry, University of Illinois, Chicago) took up office on 24 September 1970. The first group of students, a total of 150, were enrolled in four departments: Economics, Geography, Mathematics, and Statistics. Its formal inauguration was delayed until 12 January 1971, when the university was launched by Rear Admiral S. M. Ahsan, the chancellor.After the independence of Bangladesh, its name changed to Jahangirnagar University under the Jahangirnagar University Act' 1973.
        On 2 March 2014, Farzana Islam, a professor of the Anthropology department, was appointed the Vice Chancellor of JU, marking the country's first woman to hold the position. By 2016-17 admission tests, the university has admitted students of 46th batch.

Omor Ekushey, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka.
Omor Ekushey, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka. (Photo Courtesy: Nafees)